Leshchuk Halyna Vasylivna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Accounting and Taxation department |
In 2004 I have sucessfully graduated Lviv Polytechnic National University with honors and obtained a complete higher education in ”Foreign economic activity” and received a master’s degree in management.
In 2017 I have graduated the Institution of higher education “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management” and obtained a complete higher education in law and received a specialist degree in law.
In 2011 I have defended my PhD thesis on “Evaluation of the efficiency of investment projects at machine and building enterprises”, specialty 08.00.04 “Economics and Management of Enterprises (by types of economic activity)”.
In 2018 I have defended my doctoral thesis on “Theoretical and applied principles of investment support for the development of the regional infrastructure”, specialty 08.00.05 “Development of productive forces and regional economy”.
In 2018 I have received the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Business Management.
In 2021 I have received the academic title of Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation.
- Leschuk Н.V. Organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of innovative infrastructure on the example of regions of the Western region of Ukraine. Current issues in modern science, No. 11 (29) 2024. P. 109-121. https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-6300-2024-11(29)-109-121
- Leschuk Н.V. Peculiarities of investment activity in the regions of the Western region of Ukraine under martial law. Scientific perspectives, No. 10 (52) 2024. P. 589-602. https://doi.org/10.52058/2708-7530-2024-10(52)-589-602
- Savkiv U.S., Leshchuk Н.V., Sydor G.V. State management of the socio-economic stability of the country and features of the application of anti-crisis measures in wartime conditions. The actual problems of regional economic development. Vol. 20. Volume 1. 2024. P. 403-410. doi: https://doi.org/10.15330/apred.1.20.403-410
- Leshchuk Н.V., Savkiv U.S., Kuzmin T.L. Regulatory and legal provision of inventory on the example of food establishments. Scientific innovations and advanced technologies, No. 6 (34) 2024. P. 859-872. https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-5274-2024-6(34)-859-871
- Leshchuk Н.V., Savkiv U.S., Kuzmin T.L. Regulatory and legal provision of accounting in the management system of catering establishments. Scientific perspectives, No. 4 (46) 2024. P. 652-665. https://doi.org/10.52058/2708-7530-2024-4(46)-652-664
- Leshchuk Н., Savkiv , Vasylyuk М. Model of the complex analysis of fixed assets in the enterprise management system. Actual problems of the development of the economy of the region. Prykarpattia National University named after V. Stefanyka. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2023. Т.1. № 19. рр. 177–184. doi: 10.15330/apred.1.19.177-184
- Leshchuk Н. Analysis of investment attractiveness of the tourism sector of ukraine. Scientific innovations and advanced technologies, № 11(25). 2023. 379 – 390. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-5274-2023-11(25)-379-390
- Leshchuk Н. Investment provision of tourist sector development in ukraine. Scientific perspectives, 2023. № 8(38). pp. 365-377. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/2708-7530-2023-8(38)-365-377
- Leshchuk Н. Methodological approaches to assessing the investment attractiveness of the tourism sector of Ukraine. Scientific innovations and advanced technologie. № 11(25). 2023. pp. 391 – 403. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-5274-2023-11(25)-391-403
- Leshchuk Н., Savkiv Аnalysis of the tax policy of ukraine in the conditions of martial law. Current issues in modern science. № 10 (16). 2023. pp. 42 – 55. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-6300-2023-10(16)-42-55
- Leshchuk Н., Savkiv , Kuzmin T. Outsourcing services for accounting and taxation in the management system. Scientific innovations and advanced technologies. № 13 (27) 2023. pp. 518-526. DOI:https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-5274-2023-13(27)-518-526
- Leshchuk Н. Labor market of Ukraine in conditions of system crisis // N. Yurchuk, H. Leshchuk, O. Tkachenko, A. Kotenok, D. Cherviakova // Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, № 1 (36), 2021, рр. 496-503 (Web of Science).
- Leshchuk Н. Risk assessment for biofuel projects: problems of methodology // O. Halytskyi, S. Koliadenko, H. Leshchuk, M. Polenkova, Yu. Herasymenko // Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, № 4 (35), 2020, рр. 152-157 (Web of Science).
- Leschuk, G.V., Yakushik, I.D., Ganzhurenko, I.V., Galachenko, O., & Bovkun, O.. (2021). Economic security of the enterprise in the conditions of pandemic COVID-19: accounting and analytical aspect in management at the regional level. Economic Horizons, (2 (17), 18–28. Https://doi.org/10.31499/2616-5236.2(17).2021.243894
- Leschuk G.V., Ivasyuk N.B. The tax system of Ukraine in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic: modern realities and forecasts / G.V. Лещук, Н.Б. Ivasyuk // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University, Series “International Economic Relations and World Economy”: Science. Bulletin / Uzhhorod National University. – Uzhhorod: Helvetica Publishing House, 2020. – Issue. 33/2020. Pp. 87-92.
- Leshchukh H. V. (2020). Structural and dynamic analysis of the tax system of Ukraine: trends and current realities. Features of socio-economic progress of the national economy in terms of information technology challenges: a collective monograph. p 38-48.
- Leshchukh H. V. (2020). Formation of a balanced system of indicators by process and structured approach. Scientific notes of TNU named after VI Vernadsky. Series: Economics and Management. N 31 (70). N 2. Ч. 2. pp. 163-167. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.32838/2523-4803/70-2-65 ).
- Leshchukh H. V. (2020). Quality assessment of accounting information in the process and structured management system. Scientific economic journal “Intellect XXI”. N pp. 60-65. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8801/2020-1.10 ).
- Leshchukh H. V. (2020). Systematization of the approaches to estimating the investment attractiveness of a redion. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University, Series “International Economic Relations and the World Economy”. N. 29/2020. pp. 93-98. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2413-9971/2020-29-18 ).
- Leshchukh H. V. (2019). Continuum of investment involvement in the development of the united territorial communities. Business navigator. N. 6.1-2 (56) 2019. pp. 67-72.
- Blahun I. S., Leshchukh H. V., Kyfor M. V. (2019). A Forecast Model for Assessing Tourist Flows with Regard to the Additive Seasonality Factor Using the Example of Ivano-Frankivsk Region. Problems of the economy. N pp. 250–256. (https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-0712-2019-4-250-256 ).
- Blahun I. S., Leshchuk H. V., Kyfor M. V. (2019). Economic modeling of touristic services demand in the regions. Regional economy. N4 (94). pp. 87-93 (https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2019-4-7)
- Blahun I., Leshuk H. Sensitivity analysis of indicators of efficiency of investment projects in the economic space of a region / I. Blahun, H. Leshuk // The European Journal of Economics and Management. Praha, Vol. 3, 2017,- Pp. 39-45.
- Blahun I., Leshuk H. Probabilistic and statistical methods of risk assessment of investment projects of a region / Blahun, H. Leshuk // Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. 5-6, 2017, – Pp. 53-59.
- Blahun I., Dmytryshyn L., Leshuk H. Simulative model for evaluation of investment processes in the regions of Ukraine / Blahun, L. Dmytryshyn, H. Leshuk // Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2017, – Pp. 322-329. (Scopus).
- Blahun I., Dmytryshyn L., Leshuk H. Cognitive approach to analysis of investment attractiveness of the regions / Blahun, L. Dmytryshyn, H. Leshuk // Науковий вісник Полісся. – 2017. – № 4 (12). Ч. 1. – С. 171-176. (Web of Science).
- Leshuk H. Organizational and economic mechanism of investment development of the regions infrastructure / Leshuk // Научный журнал «Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science», No 11/2017, Oslo, Norway, Рр. 9-13.
- Leshuk H. Monitoring mechanism of investment development of regions infrastructure / Leshuk // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 3, Num. 4. Riga: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2017, рр. 142-150.
- Vartsaba V., Leshuk H. Evaluation of the investment attractiveness indicators of regions in Ukraine/ V. Vartsaba, H. Leshuk // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 3, Num. 5. Riga: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2017, рр. 38-44. (Web of Science).
Scientific activity: I’m an author of 96 scientific and methodological works (1 of them is in scientific journals that are included in Scopus science database and 4 of them are in scientific journals that are included in Web of Science database), as well as publications in collections materials of international scientific and practical conferences.
Disciplines that I’m teaching: Accounting in the enterprise management, Accounting for managing the activity of the enterprise, Regulatory Accounting, Business Taxation, Tax System.
I’m a member of the specialized scientific councils for the dissertation defense for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Sciences by the specialties: 08.00.04, 08.00.05 Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Kyiv) and by the specialties 08.00.05 “Productive forces development and regional economy”, 08.00.11 “Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in Economics” of Vasil Stefanyk Precarpathian National University of the Ministry of Education and Science (Ivano-Frankivsk).
I’m performing the functions of a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal of Uzhgorod National University, series: International Economic Relations and the World Economy.
Scientific interests: regional economy, investment, budgeting, economic planning and forecasting.
Scopus ID Author 57199328885
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1625-1536
ResearcherID: R-5219-2017
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Halyna_Leshuk
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
76025, Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk, 57 Shevchenka Street
Humanitarian Corps, 7th Floor, audience no.706
Accounting and Taxation department
E-mail: galynaleshuk@gmail.com
Теl. (067) 255-99-84