Kuzmin Tatiana Leonidivna

Kuzmin Tatiana Leonidivna

assistant of the department of accounting and taxation


Personal informationMain publicationsActivityContacts

Graduated with honors from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in 2018. Obtained a Master’s degree in Accounting and Taxation with the qualification of accountant-economist, professional in accounting, taxation, and audit.

In 2023, completed studies in the postgraduate program at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and defended a dissertation to obtain a Ph.D. in Economics, specializing in 051 Economics, with a thesis on “Improving Land Relations in Agricultural Enterprises.” Also received a “Professional” certificate from the Business Automators Union for knowledge of opportunities and features of applying accounting solutions in business automation programs.


Ukrainian, English.

    1. Savkiv U.S., Kuzmin T.L. Improving accounting and reporting in the digital economy. Actual problems of the development of the economy of the region. 2023. Issue 19. Volume 2. P. 87-95.
    2. Leshchuk G.V., Savkiv U.S., Kuzmin T.L. Outsourced accounting and taxation services in the management system. Scientific innovations and advanced technologies. 2023. No. 13(27). P. 518-526.
    3. Balanyuk I.F., Ivanyuk T.L. Automation of accounting and internal control as a factor in the successful operation of companies. International scientific journal “Internauka” . 2022. No. 9. C. 8-11.
    4. Balanyuk I.F., Ivanyuk T.L. Application of digital technologies in accounting and taxation consulting. Actual problems of the development of the economy of the region: a scientific journal. Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Press, 2022. Issue 18. Vol. 2. P. 8-15.
    5. Ivanyuk I.F., Balanyuk I.F. Functioning of the agricultural land market in the context of decentralization. Agrarian economy, 2022 . Volume 15 . No. 3-4 . P. 30-37 .
    6. Ivanyuk T.L. Formation of conditions for rational use of agricultural lands. Innovative economy. 2021. No. 1-2 [86]. P. 74–80.
    7. Ivanyuk T.L. Formation of land relations of united territorial communities of the region in the context of decentralization. Actual problems of the development of the economy of the region. 2021. Issue 17. T.2. P. 148–158.
    8. Balanyuk, I.F., Ivanyuk, T.L. Land reforms in Ukraine: the history of. Economics of agro-industrial complex. 2020. № 1. pp. 111–120.
    9. Balanyuk I.F., Shelenko D.I., Leskiv I.Yu., Ivanyuk T.L. Improvement of accounting of land plots of agricultural enterprises. Bulletin of the Carpathian University, 2020. Issue 15. P. 41–47.
    10. Balanyuk I.F., Leskiv I.Yu., Kopchak Yu.S., Ivanyuk T.L., Nemish D.V. Production of livestock products by agricultural enterprises and households. Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Economy . 2019. Issue 14. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, C. 63-69.
    11. Balanyuk I.F., Shelenko D.I., Ivanyuk T.L., Zhovnir A.V., Banashkevich T.P. Formation of accounting of financial results in enterprises. Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Economy series . 2019. Issue 14. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, C. 179-186.
    12. Ivanyuk T.L. The essence of the concept of “Land relations”. Innovative economy, 2019. No. 3–4. P. 52–57.




    Publications in foreign professional publications:

    1. Ivanyuk, T.L., Savka, M.V., Balanyuk, I.F. Methodology of land relations research in agricultural enterprises and farms. European Journal of Economics and Management. 2020. Vol. 6, Issue 2. pp. 36–42.


    Materials of scientific conferences:


    1. Balanyuk I.F., Kuzmin T.L., Daniliv A.M. Innovations in accounting, analysis, control and taxation DIGITAL-1. Sustainable development of the agrarian sphere: engineering and economic support: Materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. FOP Odnorog TV, 2023. P. 28-29.

    2. Balanyuk I.F., Kuzmin T.L., Kraylo V.V. The role of digital technologies in accounting and reporting. Sustainable development of the agrarian sphere: engineering and economic support: Materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. FOP Odnorog T.V., 2023. P. 30-31.Banashkevich T., Kuzmin T., Tyun M. Peculiarities of intellectual capital accounting at the enterprise. Sustainable development of the agrarian sphere: engineering and economic support: Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. FOP Odnorog T.V., 2023. P. 52-54.
    3. Balanyuk I., Ivanyuk T., Dutka A. Formation of the management accounting and control system at the enterprise. “Sustainable development of the agrarian sphere: engineering and economic support”, materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference. FOP Odnorog T.V., 2022. P. 25-26.
    4. Balanyuk I., Ivanyuk T., Globenko V. Organization of accounting and control of income and expenses of the enterprise. “Sustainable development of the agrarian sphere: engineering and economic support”, materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference. FOP Odnorog T.V., 2022. P. 27-29.
    5. Balanyuk I., Ivanyuk T., Bazyuk M. Problems and prospects for the development of digital accounting in Ukraine. “Sustainable development of the agrarian sphere: engineering and economic support”, materials of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Melitopol: FOP Odnorog T.V., 2022. P. 25-27.
    6. Ivanyuk T.L., Banashkevich T.P., Kazimyrchuk V.R. The role of information technologies in accounting. Problems and prospects of economic development: world and national aspects: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, November 18, 2022. Odesa, OSAU. 2022. P. 321-322.
    7. Ivanyuk T.L. Transformation of land relations to market conditions. Current problems and prospects for the development of agricultural and electrical engineering : Materials of the International . science and practice conf . Ternopil: FOP Palyanytsia V. A., 2020. P. 92–94.
    8. Ivanyuk T.L. Methodological imperatives of development of land relations of agricultural enterprises. Financial and economic development of Ukraine in the conditions of transformational transformations: Materials II science-practice . conf . (Lviv, April 28, 2020). Ternopil: Yu.V. Osadtsa , 2020. P. 12–14.
    9. Ivanyuk T.L., Leskiv I.Yu. Legal protection of agricultural lands. National and world trends in the development of accounting, taxation and control: All-Ukrainian materials science and practice conf . (Odesa, May 21, 2020). Odesa: “VMV-Print” , 2020. P.167–169.
    10. Balanyuk I.F., Ivanyuk T.L. The mortgage mechanism as a direction of improvement of land relations. Prospects for the development of education, science and business in a global environment: a collection of materials of the 7th International Science and Practice . conf . (Ternopil, October 23, 2020). Ternopil: FOP Yu.V. Osadtsa , 2020. P. 33–34.
    11. Ivanyuk T.L. Theoretical approaches to defining the concept of land relations. Science and education in the intellectual and economic development of society: materials of the International . science and practice conf . (Ternopil, May 16-17, 2019). Ternopil : FOP Palyanytsia V. A., 2019. P. 98–99.
    12. Ivanyuk T.L. Land reforms in Ukraine. Prospective forms of organizing economic activity in the countryside: materials of the Seventeenth Congress of Agrarian Economists and International . science and practice conf . (Kyiv, May 30, 2019). National Scientific Center “Institute of Agrarian Economy”, 2019. P. 383–386.
    13. Ivanyuk T.L. Rational use of agricultural lands. Effectiveness of the functioning of agricultural enterprises: Issues of 2019: “Formation and efficiency of the use of resource potential of agricultural enterprises”: materials of the VIII International science and practice internet conference (Lviv, May 15-19, 2019). Lviv: Liga-Press, 2019. P. 146–148.

Since 2020, senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Accounting and Taxation.

Since 2022, assistant at the Department of Accounting and Taxation.

Scientific activity: Author of more than a 10 works of a scientific, educational and methodical character and publications in collections of materials of the international and All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences.

ORCID iD : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4601-1226

    1. L. Ivanyuk conducts lectures on disciplines “Automation of accounting” , “Digital technologies in accounting (training)” in Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Прикарпатський національний університет ім.Василя Стефаника

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

57, Shevchenka st., Ivano-Frankivsk.

E- mail : tetiana.ivaniuk@pnu.edu.ua .

Tel. +380987611616